Thursday, January 26, 2012
The possibility of a strike or lockout of municipal workers in Toronto could mean that our season may end prematurely as of midnight on Feb 5th which could shut down Centennial Arena and result in the cancellation of all our remaining games. While the City has said it will "try its best to provide service" there is no assurance that the arenas will remain in operation.
In the event of an arena closure on Feb 5th, and the cancellation of our season, here is how we plan to register players for the 2012-13 season:
- Personalized League registration forms will be sent by e-mail to all players no later than March 11th. For those few players who do not have an email address, the registration form will be sent by regular post.
- Please BE SURE that we have your correct e-mail address on file. Check with your Team Manager if you are uncertain. If you have not received your registration form by mid-March you should contact the Registrar directly (Stephen Shaw - You will then be sent your form.
- You will be required to send your payment directly to the Registrar via mail. The registration deadline is March 30th. If payment is not received by then you will automatically forfeit your spot in the League.
- A refund for all cancelled games will likely be provided whenever the League resumes play but the timing is dependent on the City. It has been City practice in the past to provide full refunds when a facility is not available but no commitments have been offered to date. Check our League web site for updated news.
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